Shah Rukh Khan took his fans by surprise after he dropped the teaser of Jawan's new song, Not Ramaiya Vastvaiya. The film also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, and Deepika Padukone, who will be making a special cameo appearance in the movie.
Sharing the teaser, the actor wrote, "Ok guys time to go make the trailer as everyone wants that. @TSeries & @anirudhofficial & @Atlee_dir had wanted to put out song. Will leave a teaser now….& get @AntonyLRuben to work on trailer. Song is….Not …Ramaiya Vastvaiya. Bye for now love u all. #Jawan."
Check it out:
In Not Ramaiya Vastvaiya, the Kal Ho Naa Ho actor mentions his iconic track, Chaiyya Chaiyya, from his 1998 movie, Dil Se. He also does his signature set in it. The teaser exudes a playful vibe that promises an equally entertaining song. This release has initiated a whirlwind of speculation, with fans eagerly theorizing about the kind of musical experience the upcoming song will deliver.
After the resounding success of the celebratory track Zinda Banda and the soul-stirring romantic melody 'Chaleya', SRK has now given a sneak peek into the third musical offering of the film, Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya. Each song has managed to strike a chord with both the audience's hearts and the music charts, amplifying the hype and expectations around the movie's music album.
Jawan is directed by Atlee and will be released worldwide in theatres on September 7th, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.