The birth of Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni's baby girl has Tollywood in a celebratory mode. Well-meaning wishes and love continue to pour in from all quarters for the Konidela-Kamineni families. Now, a video on social media has gone viral where Upasana can be seen being wheeled by the hospital staff to the labour room as an excited Ram is caught beaming. The video shows us a glimpse of an overwhelmed Upasana as she is a bundle of nerves. It's a rare, candid moment as the couple is known to be very private in real life who love to keep their emotions to themselves.
Watch the video below:
The video stands as a testament to how keen and eager the expecting parents were to see what they created. Upasana and Ram had just celebrated 11 years of marital bliss, earlier this month on June 14. With the arrival of their baby on June 20, the celebrations have surely doubled by a thousand fold. Fans cannot stop gushing for Charan, especially who's been on a roll, this year. 2023 began on a winning note with his last release 'RRR' bringing home the Oscar glory and now the handsome actor is all set to play the most challenging role of his life, as a father.
Wishes from all over the country poured in for the beautiful couple with close friends from the Indian film industry sharing their congratulatory messages. From Jr. NTR, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Rashmika Mandanna, Mahesh Babu, Allu Arjun, Rakul Preet Singh and many others, it's been a week of love and joy for the beautiful couple.
The world now awaits to know what will Ram and Upasana name their baby girl. Upasana was discharged from the Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad and the doctors have maintained that both mother and baby are hale and hearty.
On the work front, Charan will be seen next in Game Changer. Directed by S Shankar, the movie also stars Kiara Advani, Anjali, SJ Suryah, Samuthirakani, Sunil, Srikanth, Jayaram and Nassar.