Deepika Singh, who rose to fame with her stint in Star Plus' 'Diya Aur Baati Hum,' is now a household name. Currently winning hearts with her new show 'Mangal Lakshi,' Deepika, in a recent exclusive chat with The Free Press Journal, speaks about how her parents shaped her up into what she is today.
Speaking to us about who are the teachers who shaped her life, the Mangal Lakshmi actress says, ''My first teachers were my parents, especially my father. It is important to have a teacher or guide, especially in the initial years of your childhood because somehow you meet your teachers on a regular basis, they have a huge impact on your personality. I used to always see my father with books, inspite of the fact that he was a businessman and would come back home late. He would still read a few pages from a book, and I imbibed that habit from him. I realised that we should always educate ourselves. I learnt the importance of education.''
Further revealing how strict her father was, Deepika says, ''He was very strict and would wake me up at 5 am and then we would go for a morning walk. That is why even today on holidays too, I prefer waking up early because I am able to achieve so many things, fitting in meditation and yoga into my schedule.''
The Diya Aur Baati Hum fame also spoke about how her mother kept her away from unhealthy eating habits. ''My mother never bribed me with chocolates and never let me eat anything which is made up from maida. She was very health conscious and helped me become that way too,'' says Deepika.
Well, Deepika, who is now a doting mother herself is being loved for her comeback on television. The actress is paired opposite Naman Shaw in her show 'Mangal Lakshmi.'