Tamil actress Sindhu passed away after a prolonged battle with breast cancer on Monday (August 7). She was 44. According to several media reports, the actress couldn't afford hospital expenses and was getting treated at her home.
However, she was hospitalised at a private hospital in Chennai after her condition worsened.
In 2020, Sindhu had shared a video in which she opened up about being diagnosed with breast cancer. Reportedly, she had also requested her followers on social media to extend financial support so that she could deal with the condition. Reports claim that several celebs had also extended financial help to the actress.
The actress, who made her debut as a child actress, had acted in a few Tamil films and television shows. Several media reports have stated that she got married at the age of 14 and also gave birth to a child the same year.
Reportedly, the actress did not want to bear more pain and pleased for mercy killing.