Sushmita Sen is basking in the success of her recently released web series Aarya 3, which is currently streaming on Disney+Hotstar and is directed by Ram Madhvani. In a recent interview with Mid-Day, the actress talked about her romance with businessman and former IPL chairman Lalit Modi.
When asked if she had plans to tie the knot with Lalit, she said, “If I was going to marry someone, I would be married to them. I don’t try. I either do it or I don’t.”
She added, "I just posted because sometimes I think when people keep quiet, their silence is mistaken for weakness or fear. I just needed to put out one post to let them know I am laughing. After that I was done with it."
Further, Sushmita also reacted to people calling her a 'gold digger' for being in a relationship with Lalit. She said that that she finds memes funny, "If you are calling someone a gold digger, at least don’t monetise it! Check your facts. I prefer diamonds, not gold… And if I was going to marry, I would be married to them, love. I don’t try. I do it or I don’t," said the actress.
Meanwhile, reportedly, Sushmita has rekindled her romance with ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl. The duo had called it quits in 2022. Ever since the duo's breakup, they have been spotted together on several occasions.