Dancer turned actor, Raghav Juyal, who was last seen in Kill alongside Lakshya Lalwani, gained immense appreciation for his role in the action-thriller, where he played an antagonist. Recently, the actor opened up about Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan's, arrest and slammed the media.
Speaking to Shubhankar Mishra, Raghav said people speak against Bollywood for their views. He added that the media did wrong, when they attacked Aryan during his arrest in the drug case. "What happened in the end? The allegations were wrong," he added.
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Raghav said that the media did it only for the 'views, 'TRP' and their 'ego' as he is Shah Rukh Khan's son and they wanted to ruin it for him. "This is ego. And nothing happened later. These people destroyed that child's life. And the way they climb, like a donkey, is wrong, Juyal added.
Raghav, who is popularly known as Crockroaxz, made his acting debut in 2014 with Sonali Cable, co-starring Rhea Chakraborty and Ali Fazal in the lead.
Later, he starred in Remo D'Souza's ABCD 2 with Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor and Prabhudeva. Reportedly, it was inspired by the lives of choreographers Suresh Mukund and Vernon Monteiro.
Raghav has hosted several television shows, like Dance Plus, Dance Plus 2, and Dance Plus 4, among others.
On the work front, Raghav was last seen in the web series Gyaarah Gyaarah, which is an adaptation of the Korean drama Signal.
It also stars Kritika Kamra, Dhairya Karwa, and Aakash Dixit. Directed by Umesh Bist, it is produced by Sikhya Entertainment and Dharma Productions.