Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi's latest release, OMG 2, must have started off on a slow note at the box office, but with the positive word of mouth, the film gained momentum in the days that followed, and it has now finally entered the Rs 100 crore club. Despite clashing with Gadar 2, which has wrecked havoc at the box office, OMG 2 has managed to rake in surprisingly good numbers, and it is now officially a superhit film!
OMG 2 released on August 11 with Gadar 2 and Chiranjeevi's pan-India film Bholaa Shankar. Rajinikanth's Jailer too hit the theatres on August 10. OMG 2 had less than half the number of screens as that of Gadar 2, but despite all the odds, the film has managed to earn Rs 100 crore.
OMG 2 was also mired in controversies over its core topic of sex education in Indian schools and the narrative being intertwined with the presence of Lord Shiva in the film.
OMG 2 enters Rs 100 crore club
As per the official figures, OMG 2 earned a whopping Rs 10.50 crore on its second Saturday, which, in fact, is more than what the film had minted on its very first day.
With that, the total collection of the film has now mounted to Rs 101.58 crore, and going by the current trend, the numbers are expected to climb even higher.
Despite the fact that OMG 2 was granted an 'Adults Only' certificate by the Censor Board, the film has been faring really well in theatres and is picking up pace, now that the Gadar 2 mania is slowly easing down.
The OMG 2 controversy
OMG 2 tells the story of a staunch Shiv bhakt, played by Pankaj Tripathi, who locks horns with the administration of his son's school and advocates (literally) for the importance of proper sex education in Indian schools.
As he fights with the system, Akshay Kumar as Lord Shiva descends to the mortal world and comes to the aid of Pankaj's character just when he is on the verge of giving up.
Before the film hit the theatres, the Censor Board claimed that the topic of sex education and Lord Shiva in the same film might hurt the religious sentiments of the countrymen, and thus, ordered more than 25 cuts and changes in the film.
Not just that, but since the main plot of the film is sex education, OMG 2 was granted an 'A' certificate, which meant that people under the age of 18 years could not watch it in theatres.