Popular Malayalam television actor Karthik Prasad was hospitalised after a road accident on February 21. His co-actor, Beena Antony, took to her official social media account to provide fans with an update on his health.
Beena shared a video on Instagram a couple of days back and revealed that Karthik met with an accident while returning home after shoot.
Several media reports stated that Karthik suffered severe leg injury after he was hit by a bus. The actor was immediately rushed to a hospital in Trivandrum. He was later taken to a hospital in Kozhikode for further treatment.
Reportedly, the actor has undergone multiple surgeries.
Reacting to social media rumours about Karthik's accident, Beena said that the reports are true and that the actor is out of danger.
In the video, Beena called the actor a 'kind-hearted and gentle soul'. She also urged her followers to pray for Karthik's speedy recovery.