Bollywood diva Malaika Arora and her relationship with Arjun Kapoor was all over the news of late as several media reports claimed that the couple has parted ways. However, they quashed all the reports as they stepped out for a dinner date together. But now, Malaika has once again shared a cryptic note on her social media handle, leaving netizens confused.
As reports about their alleged breakup went viral, Malaika was seen posting cryptic messages on her Instagram handle, which only added fuel to the fire.
But when they stepped out in the city for a date, all rumours were put to rest, until the diva decided to share yet another unusual note.
Malaika's cryptic note on social media
Malaika is seldom seen sharing cryptic messages on social media, and hence, her fans are concerned as she has been doing it quite often of late.
On Tuesday morning, Malaika took to her Instagram stories to share a note which read, "A woman becomes a reflection of how you treat her. If you don't like how she's acting, look at how you are treating her".
As soon as she shared the post, social media went abuzz with her fans being confused about whom it was targetted at, since her dinner date with Arjun was proof that all is well in the couple's paradise.
Malaika unfollows Arjun's family
Meanwhile, amid rumours of their breakup, Malaika unfollowed all the members of Arjun's family on social media.
Reports claimed that the actress had unfollowed Arjun's sister Anshula Kapoor, father Boney Kapoor, and half sisters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor.
Both Malaika and Arjun have not reacted to the reports of their breakup and the former unfollowing the latter's family on social media.