Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal, who is gearing up for the release of his upcoming family entertainer The Great Indian Family, will be participating in Mumbai’s biggest Dahi Handi event this year. On Thursday (September 7), Vicky will attend the famous Dahi Handi celebration in Ghatkopar.
Sharing his excitement about participating in the event, Vicky said, "Growing up in Mumbai, Dahi Handi was more than just a celebration. It was all about the spirit, unity, and unbreakable bonds of the people. I always felt that the human pyramid formed to break the 'Handi' is a powerful metaphor for resilience and unity. This festival reflects India's spirit."
The actor added, "I am extremely delighted that this year, I get to be a part of that infectious vibe and celebrate it with such enthusiastic kids. This will definitely take me down my childhood memory lane when I used to go with my family for the local Dahi Handi celebration."
The makers of The Great Indian Family recently shared the film's first song Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja and it is already climbing the music charts.
The Great Indian Family is scheduled to hit the big screens on September 22. It also stars Manushi Chhillar, Manoj Pahwa, Kumud Mishra, Sadiya Siddiqui and others. The film is written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and is produced by Yash Raj Films. The film revolves around the madness that ensues within Vicky’s Indian family due to some sudden developments.
Meanwhile, Vicky was last seen in Zara Hatke Zara Bachke opposite Sara Ali Khan. Besides, The Great Indian Family, he is also gearing up for the release of Sam Bahadur which is a biopic based on the life of India's first Field Marshal, Sam Manekshaw.