Salman Khan and Bhagyashree's Maine Pyar Kiya, which released in 1989, was the highest-grossing Indian film of the 1980s. While Bhagyashree marked her debut in Bollywood with Maine Pyar Kiya, it was Salman's first film as a lead actor. Over 30 years after the film's release, it has been revealed that the actress was paid more than Salman for her role in Sooraj Barjatya's film.
Actress Pervien Dastur, who played the role of Seema in the film, revealed that Bhagyashree received the highest payment for her role as the female lead.
She reportedly claimed that Bhagyashree was paid Rs 1,50,000 for the film. It may be noted that Salman had mentioned in an earlier interview that he was paid Rs 75,000 for the movie.
Previously, in an interview with PTI, Salman had said, "My first salary was Rs 75. Then it went up to Rs 750 for Campa Cola and then it was Rs 1,500 for the longest time. Then I got paid Rs 31,000 for Maine Pyar Kiya, which was then increased to Rs 75,000 later."
Maine Pyaar Kiya also starred Reema Lagoo, Mohnish Bahl and Alok Nath among others.
The screen pairing of Salman and Bhagyashree is counted amongst the most iconic ones in Bollywood. Maine Pyar Kiya is nothing short of an encyclopedia of romance which was presented in the most adorable fashion by the director. The film also received critical acclaim for its performances, music, and romantic storyline.
The success of Maine Pyar Kiya established Salman as a leading actor in Bollywood and marked the beginning of a successful career for him.