The makers of Tiger 3 held a success bash in Mumbai after the film entered the Rs 300 crore club at the global box office. Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Emraan Hashmi were present for the event. However, it was Salman’s heartfelt gesture for Katrina that left everyone present awestruck. In a viral video, the actor can be seen putting his Tiger 3 scarf around Kat’s neck, leaving her touched. She also went on to say it was the first time Salman had gifted her anything.
Watch the video below.
On the film’s success, Salman said, "I have immense pride in being an action hero and I'm fortunate that people have loved me in this avatar in so many films. It feels great to taste success again and again with this genre because it is not an easy genre of cinema to please people with. You have to constantly reinvent and give audiences something new that they haven't seen with each action film."
"I'm grateful for the love that they have showered on me over the years and also for the love that they have given to my Tiger franchise! I have played the role of super-spy Tiger three times now. So, this appreciation feels like a hattrick of success for me. It is a character for which I have put my body on the line every single time. I have actually given it my all. So, the success of these films is also very personal to me," he added.
'Tiger 3' is the third installment of the Tiger franchise and a part of the YRF Spy Universe with the likes of War and Pathaan. Interestingly, it also has cameo appearances of Shah Rukh Khan and a post-credit scene featuring Hrithik Roshan. Just like the two previous installments - Ek Tha Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai - the film focuses on a new mission involving RA&W agent Tiger (Salman) and ISI agent Zoya (Katrina Kaif). Directed by Maneesh Sharma, the film hit the big screens on November 12.