Tamil actress Aditi Balan, who rose to fame with the film Aruvi took to social media and questioned the Tamil Nadu government, claiming that she was asked to remove her car to make way for Chief Minister MK Stalin's convoy while rescuing families stranded in the floods caused by Cyclone Michaung.
Aditi shared a video on X, formerly Twitter, and wrote, "Govt, where are you? I just went to Radhakrishnan Nagar, Thiruvamiyur. Water from surrounding areas have been pumped into this area. There were dead animals floating around."
"We had to walk thro the entire stagnation to rescue 2 kids and their grandma. Meanwhile, a boat with 6 cops rowed into River View Road in Kottur Puram to pick up one influential lady," she added.
In a subsequent post, Aditi wrote, "Also, I was asked to move my car while waiting to pick up family that was walking through the stagnant water because the CM convoy was approaching. @chennaicorp @_chennaipolice_ @udhay_stalin @mkstalin Really?"
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin had taken to X and shared a post stating that the entire government machinery has been working hard.
"The entire government machinery, such as ministers, officials, police, sanitation workers, and corporation workers are working hard to quickly remove the effects of the Cyclone Michaung calamity that surrounds us. I request that many more comrades should immediately join hands with the relief work along with the members of the club who are helping in the field. Members of the affected areas come quickly!” he wrote.
He also wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking an immediate interim relief fund of Rs 5060 crores.
Aditi Balan has worked in films like Kutty Story, Cold Case, and Shaakuntalam to name a few. Besides being an actress, she is also a lawyer.