Actor Akhil Mishra, who is best known for playing the role of Librarian Dubey in Aamir Khan-starrer 3 Idiots, passed away in an accident. He was 67. According to media reports, he died after falling from his kitchen balcony located on the second-floor flat in Mira Road. He was trying to dry clothes when the accident took place. The actor was immediately rushed to the hospital. however, he died after a few hours.
Akhil is survived by his wife Suzanne Bernert, who is a German actress. She was in Hyderabad when Akhil breathed his last. She reportedly said, "My heart is broken, my second half is gone".
A report in Indian Express stated that the actor was unwell for some time due to blood pressure-related issues.
Cine & TV Artistes’ Association (CINTAA) expressed its condolence on the demise of Akhil Mishra on X (formerly known as Twitter).
Akhil has also been a part of several popular television shows like Uttaran, Udaan, CID, Shrimaan Shrimati, Hatim and others. Over the years, Akhil also appeared in films like Don, Gandhi, My Father, Shikhar, Kamla Ki Maut, Well Done Abba.
Just a few days back, Suzanne said in an interview that Akhil had put his career on hold to help her learn 'shudh Hindi'. They got married in a traditional ceremony in September 2011 and have worked together in the film Kram and the TV series Mera Dil Dewaana.