The reality show, Bigg Boss Marathi 5, is all set to witness some high voltage drama as contestants Nikki Tamboli and Aarya Jadhao will be seen locking horns in the upcoming episode. The two will be seen getting into an ugly spat and ending up resorting to physical force, which is a major violation on the game show.
In the latest promo released by the makers, the contestants can be seen fighting to win the captaincy task, and that is when a major altercation erupts between Nikki and Aarya. The former loses her cool after the latter accuses her of pushing her.
Nikki, Aarya get into physical fight
In the promo, Aarya can be seen calling Nikki 'faltu' and 'cheap', while the latter said, "Don't yell in my ears".
Aarya can then be seen pushing Nikki, and not one to back off, the latter too went ahead to push the former with full force, and the housemates tried to pull the two apart.
It will now be interesting to watch if action will be taken against Nikki and Aarya for resorting to violence and flouting a major rule of the house.
When Riteish Deshmukh slammed Nikki
Nikki, who was one of the finalists on Bigg Boss 14, has been facing the ire of netizens and even the host of Bigg Boss Marathi 5, Riteish Deshmukh, for her unruly behaviour on the game show. During the recent weekend episode, Riteish was seen reprimanding Nikki for her conduct in the house, and he even made her apologise to the whole of Maharashtra on national television.
Nikki was seen breaking down and apologising to the people of the state for her behaviour, and also promising Riteish that she will be mindful of her actions inside the Bigg Boss Marathi 5 house.