Haryanvi dancer Gori Nagori, who rose to fame with her stint in Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 16, was brutally attacked by her brother-in-law at her sister's wedding in Kishangarh, Rajasthan. Gori posted a video of the incident on her official Instagram account and shared her ordeal.
Gori, who is popularly known as the 'Shakira of Rajasthan', revealed that she and her team were attacked by her brother-in-law and his friends. When she went to the police to lodge a complaint, the policemen there took selfies with her and sent her back, saying it is their personal matter.
Gori says 'My life is in danger'
She penned a long note in Hindi along with the video. Gori also requested Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and Congress leader Sachin Pilot to support her and punish the miscreants.
Gori wrote, "I am uploading this video about what happened to me today, on May 22nd. It was my sister's wedding. As I live in Merta city and my father and brother aren't there, my elder brother-in-law Javed Hussain said 'if you organise the wedding in Kishangarh, I will make all the arrangements.' So, I agreed to come to Kishangarh at his request and I did not know that this was his conspiracy to call me. My team was attacked very badly by my brother-in-law and his friends."
Gori further said that the cops did not take any action against those who attacked her and her team.
"My brother and I went to file the complaint after the incident but the police did not register my complaint saying it is a personal matter and asked us to deal at home. The policeman troubled me, made me wait there and then took a selfie with me."
"I stay alone and my life is in danger because of these people. If anything happens to my life, my mom, or my team, then these people will be responsible for. I request the Rajasthan government, Ashok Gehlot ji and Sachin Pilot ji to support me and punish them as soon as possible. My life is in danger, please help me Rajasthan government," Gori added in Hindi.
In the Bigg Boss 16 house, Gori was loved by the audience for her down-to-earth and bubby nature and also because of her friendship with co-contestants Abdu Rozik and MC Stan.