The high-anticipated and much-awaited grand finale of Bigg Boss 17 took place on January 28 amid much fanfare. While Munawar Faruqui took home the trophy, Abhishek Kumar and Mannara Chopra were the first and second runner-up, respectively. Fans of Ankita Lokhande were in for a shock as the actress became the second finalist to get evicted after Arun Mashetty.
Several fans also expressed their disappointment on social media and said that Ankita deserved to win the show. Post the finale of Bigg Boss 17, Ankita left the sets in the wee hours of Monday, without interacting with the media or posing for paparazzi.
Ankita was spotted leaving in her car with her mother and other family members. On the other hand, Ankita's in-laws, who attended the finale, left in a separate car. Before exiting the sets, Ankita's sister-in-law interacted with the paps and expressed her disappointment. She looked quite upset.
"Ankita should have won the show or she she should have been the first runner-up. This is very wrong. Mujhe laga tha first ya second Ankita hi aayegi," she said. Ankita's husband Vicky Jain's mother was also seen in the car, smiling and waving at paps.
In another video shared by a celebrity photographer on Instagram, Ankita can be seen getting mobbed and hounded as she made her way to her car along with her mother. The actress looked visibly tired and distressed and as the paps shot questions at her regarding the game. However, she did not answer them.
Post Ankita's eviction on finale night, host Salman Khan also expressed shock and said that he was hoping to see her as one of the two finalists. Meanwhile, Munawar took home a prize money of Rs 50 lakh, along with a swanky new car, worth over Rs 13 lakh.