Priyanka Chopra made her Bollywood debut with The Hero: Love Story of a Spy, with Sunny Deol and Preity Zinta in the lead. Later, she starred in Andaaz, which was released in 2003. In a recent interview, Suneel Darshan, producer of Andaaz, revealed how he cast Priyanka for the film.
Talking to Zoom, Suneel said that he wanted to cast a fresh face in Andaaz, and one day, he got a call from his office's reception saying that someone had come to meet him with a girl. "I make sure to meet whoever comes over to my office, and it was Priyanka Chopra. I looked at her and thought, ‘Really?’ I asked them to take a seat," he added.
Suneel said that Priyanka was not a 'conventional beauty', but within 15 minutes, he knew that was going to cast her. Praising the actress, he added that her eyes were hypnotic, her voice was alluring, and her hunger to succeed was deep.
Further, he continued to state that he told Chopra that she was perfect for the role and asked her to immediately fix the problem with her nose.
"Her father (Ashok Chopra) was a very, very accomplished plastic surgeon. She said, ‘No problem, sir, I'll be ready'. I told her that we were going on the floors in 10 days, but she said that she needed more time," Suneel concluded.
The actress has often spoken about her botched nose surgery and how she was advised by a doctor to undergo surgery to remove a polyp in her nasal cavity.
On the work front, Priyanka has Jee Le Zaraa and Heads Of State in her pipeline.