Amit Sadh, who has carved his own niche as an actor believes in doing his part with utmost sincerity and honesty. The actor did a cameo in recently released Sukhee and soon after was seen in a short film titled Ghuspaith: Between The Borders. In an exclusive interview with The Free Press Journal, Amit tells about why he did Sukhee, Ghuspaith: Between The Borders and more.
How come you did a special appearance in Sukhee?
I did this role for my producer Vikram, who gave me Breathe franchise. He insisted me to do the cameo in the film and I couldn’t say no to him. This was the first film ever for which I never read the script too. I don’t shoot two films simultaneously but they really chalked out my dates and schedule.
How do you manage to act with so much ease be it any role, lead or a cameo?
I feel, media and people from the industry are being very kind to me. I don’t know any calculations as to what works when, I only do my part honestly. I do things from my heart. Vikram told me that I just have to be my self and charming on screen. I knew that I could pull this off. And, it had a bunch of happy people like Shilpa Shetty, director Sonal etc.
Go on…
I have got enough till date. So, its time when I should also be repaying back. I even did Ghuspaith for the director, he is a young chap and he came to me with the film and requested me to do it. I really liked him hence agreed.
Ghuspaith: Between Borders is inspired by the life of a photojournalist. What were your roadblocks?
There were no roadblocks. It was not challenging at all. As actors. i feel, at times, we overdramatise things. Yes working for 14-16 hours a day was exhausting but nothing else. It’s an amazing story. As an actor, everything is at my disposal so where’s the question of challenges? Its my job and since I had chosen this profession so why to crib or glorify issues?
You had a brilliant innings on OTT, so being away from the theatres for too long bothers you?
A chef will never say that how many hours he/she spends in the home kitchen or a restaurant, what matters the most is the food. Media has immensely supported me and portrayed my right image. I don’t believe in perceptions rather live in the reality. I don’t betray with my work so medium really doesn’t matter. I have always respected my own box office numbers, both good and bad.