The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has cleared Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi's highly anticipated film OMG 2 with "a few modifications" following which it will release in theatres on its scheduled date of August 11 with an 'A' certificate. Directed by Amit Rai, the film also features Yami Gautam in the lead role. The trailer of the film will be shared by the makers on August 2.
OMG 2 was stuck with the censor board for over two weeks and according to media reports, for UA certificate, the CBFC committee asked the makers for a lot of cuts. One of the major issues surrounding the film revolves around Akshay's portrayal of Lord Shiva in the film.
However, the makers didn't want to compromise with the sanctity of the film and they decided to go with an Adults certification. According to CBFC, an 'A' certificate means adults (aged 18+) can publicly watch a film.
It may be noted that this is Akshay's first film in 12 years to get 'A' certificate. In 2011, his film Desi Boyz, which also starred Deepika Padukone, Johan Abraham and Chitrangda Singh, had received an 'A' certificate.
It has been reported that OMG 2 deals with the subject of sex education in Indian schools, and mentions masturbation. The CBFC also asked for nearly 25 cuts since the religious angle could hurt the sentiments of the Indian audience. Reportedly, the CBFC had also suggested the makers to change Akshay’s character from Lord Shiva to a doot (messenger) of Lord Shiva.
The teaser of OMG 2 was unveiled in July 2023 in which Pankaj could be seen playing the role of Kanti Sharan Mudgal, who worships Lord Shiva with utmost dedication, while Akshay is seen playing the role of Lord Shiva who comes to help Kanti's family. On the other hand, Yami Gautam portrays the role of a lawyer in the film.
The film is a sequel to Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar-starrer 'OMG: Oh my God'. In the original film, Akshay essayed the character of Lord Krishna.
The film is presented by Viacom18 Studios and produced by Cape of Good Films and Wakaoo Films.