Tollywood actor Raj Tarun and his ex-girlfriend Lavanya's ugly feud escalated during a live TV debate when she threw a sandal at Tarun's friend, Sekhar Basha, resulting in a chaotic on-air confrontation.
Days after the incident, Lavanya accused Sekhar of assaulting her. As per a report in M9 News, during a YouTube interview, she claimed that Basha injured her private parts by kicking her in the stomach and back.
Further, she stated that she suffered from a stomach ailment and is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Later, Lavanya said that she filed a police complaint, after which Basha hurled stones at her house and threatened to kill her.
She claimed that Raj had forced her into having an abortion by threatening to marry her and causing her to become pregnant. Tarun admitted they had lived together for years but denied these allegations.
Lavanya said that Raj left her for another actress, Malvi Malhotra, and got her entangled in drug-related problems. However, according to Raj, Lavanya's drug use was the reason for their split.
Meanwhile, Raj, who has been accused of cheating on Lavanya, has moved the High Court to seek anticipatory bail on August 1. The court hearing might take place on Friday, August 9.
Basha, who has been actively participating in debates and interviews to defend Tarun, had earlier displayed call records and messages to counter Lavanya's claims.
Raj, however, stated that his primary focus remains on his career and personal well-being, and he intends to let the legal system address the ongoing disputes.
On the work front, Raj's latest Telugu film, Thiragabadara Saami, was released recently. The movie also stars Malvi Malhotra in the lead.