Mehaboob Shaikh, who was known for his participation in Bigg Boss Telugu 4, was booked by the Hyderabad Police recently for allegedly organising a rave party at a posh resort in the city. Cops raided the place and over 11 litre of liquor was seized from the resort.
As per reports, the incident took place on July 29, and it came to light after cops raided The Continent Resort in Ankushapur, Hyderabad. Shaikh had reportedly thrown a party in the lieu of his birthday and several television actors were a part of it.
Police seized 11.20 litre of hard liquor and 7.50 litre of beer from the resort after raiding it. Three bottles of 750 ml Ballantine's whiskey, five bottles of vodka, one bottle of Black Label whiskey, 11 bottles of Budweiser beer and 19 bottles of Breezer were seized from the spot.
A case has been registered against Shaikh for organising the party with the huge amount of liquor without permission. Cops are also looking into the money that was used to purchase the large amount of liquor.
Resort manager Sudhir Kumar and one Subhan Ali have also been booked by the cops.
While Shaikh has not responded to the controversy yet, he took to his Instagram handle on Tuesday to share photos from the birthday bash. In the photos, he, along with his friends, can be seen dressed in all red as they celebrated Shaikh's birthday at The Continent resort.
"Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I’m so touched and thankful to be blessed by such awesome followers, family and friends," he wrote.