Children who are studying from government schools in Uttar Pradesh, will now get to learn about Aadhar Card, which serves the purpose of one's identity in India. The basic education department has agreed with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Lukhnow to include a chapter on Aadhar in the school textbooks.
In a recently held meeting with UIDAI officials, Vijay Kiran Anand, the director general school education sought a formal proposal for inclusion of Aadhar and related information in order to make necessary approval from the authorities.
The Officials Say:
As per reports, UIDAI officials, Vijay Kiran Anand mentioned about importance of Aadhar card for children. He said, "General information on Aadhar such as its benefits and usages should be known to children. We will implement Aadhar related information in our textbooks from next academic session."
Deputy director general, UIDAI Lucknow, Lt Col Prashant Kumar Singh said: "It is necessary for kids to be made aware about the process of Aadhaar enrolment of children which is different from adults. By including a chapter in textbooks, it is our attempt to make them aware of Aadhaar, its usage and features. This is also important as children benefit from several government scheme like free uniforms, mid-day meal through Aadhaar details.”
The UIDAI team has also given an option of printing the Aadhar details on the inside cover pages of school textbooks and notebooks, if a full fledged chapter can't be added.
Officials also mentioned that a similar pattern exists in Punjab. The chapter on Aadhar includes its enrolment process, cost, salient features and authentication.