Tamil Nadu engineering admission (TNEA) 2023 provisional allotment list 2023 has been released by the Directorate of Technical Education (DoTE), Tamil Nadu. Candidates can check the TNEA 2023 provisional allotment list through the official website at tneaonline.org.
The provisional allotment list can be downloaded by logging into the account. Candidates need to report to the respective colleges allotted to them on or before August 6, 2023.
Direct link to download TNEA 2023 provisional allotment list
The official site reads, "Provisional allotment has been released for first round candidates those who had confirmed their tentative allotment with "I accept and confirm the current allotment" option, we request you to login and download the provisional allotment order and report to the respective college on or before 06-08-2023.
It further added, those who had opted "I accept the current allotment and opt for the upward movement. If allotted in upward movement, I confirm." we request you to login and download the tentative allotment order and visit the TFC that you had selected during tentative confirmation with all the required certificates on or before 06-08-2023, all other students who confirmed the tentative allotment request you to wait until 09-08-2023."
"Provisional allotment has been released for Differently Abled, Sports and Ex-Servicemen Category candidates, request you to login and download the allotment. Provisional allotment has been released for Govt. School Students (7.5%) Differently Abled, Sports and Ex-Servicemen Category candidates, request you to login and download the allotment", reads the official website.
The provisional allotment list can be downloaded by logging into the account. Candidates need to report to the respective colleges allotted to them on or before August 6, 2023.
Steps to download TNEA Provisional allotment 2023:
Visit the TNEA official website at tneaonline.org 2023.
On the homepage, click on the login tab.
Key in your login details.
Submit the login credentials entered.
TNEA provisional allotment card 2023 will be displayed.
Download and take print for future reference.