Vedant Fashions Limited (Manyavar) on Sunday announced that the the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company, approved the redesignation of Vedant Modi, Chief Marketing Officer, as the Chief Revenue Officer and the appointment of Anand Narang as the Chief Marketing & Digital Officer of the Company, forming part of the Senior Management of the Company, the company announced through an exchange filing.
About Anand Narang
Narang has an experience of 25 years in managing businesses as a member of business leadership teams with brands such as Bata, Nokia, Jio, Huawei, Comverse, and Airtel, holding various roles across category management, marketing, e-commerce, retail, sales, GTM, and product management.
During his global and country stints in Europe (UK, Denmark, Finland), China & India, he has managed diverse categories encompassing Luxury & Premium (smartphones, footwear), Fashion (sneakers, apparel, lifestyle footwear), Telecom & Digital services (music, healthcare, education, business) within the Retail, E-commerce, CPG, and Tech sectors.
Vedant Fashions Limited shares
The shares of Vedant Fashions Limited on Friday at 3:30pm IST closed at Rs 1,255.45, down by 0.40 percent.