CreditAccess Grameen Limited on Monday allotted 26,75,351 equity shares of Rs 10 each to Madura Micro Finance Limited shareholders, the company announced through an exchange filing. The allotment was in respect of amalgamation between CreditAccess Grameen Limited and Madura Micro Finance Limited.
The shares were allotted to creditors and shareholders approved by the National Company Law Tribunal, Bengaluru and whose names appear as on the record date in accordance with the Share Exchange Ratio as agreed in the scheme of amalgamation.
The shares were allotted on the BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited.
The paid up equity share capital of the company increased to Rs 158,90,64,430 consisting of 15,89,06,443 shares of Rs 10 each.
CreditAccess Grameen shares
The shares of CreditAccess Grameen Limited on Monday closed at Rs 896.25, down by 2.02 per cent.