The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) decision to maintann the repo rate at 6.5 per cent has been welcomed by the CREDAI'MCHI Thane. “Thane’s real estate industry appreciates the government's commitment to ensuring rate stability. It will help maintain growth in real estate and infrastructure,” President of CREDAI-MCHI Thane, Jitendra Mehta said.
CREDAI-MCHI Thane expects this decision to further stimulate demand in the housing market, particularly in the mid-segment category, which is crucial for the overall growth and development of Thane’s real estate. “Thane’s real estate has been witnessing a steady growth in the affordable luxury segment, and the current rate stability should help sustain this momentum. Homebuyers will continue to benefit from the favourable lending rates, encouraging more investments in the housing market,” Mehta said.
“We welcome the balanced approach in policy, which maintains liquidity and supports financial institutions while balancing inflation. CREDAI-MCHI Thane also looks forward to the government to consider further supportive measures which would enhance liquidity and provide long-term stability to the sector,” he concluded.