The Indian indices closed on Monday, August 5, in red. The BSE Sensex decreased by 2222.55 points or 2.74 per cent, ending the day at 78,759.40. Similarly, the NSE Nifty dropped by 662.10 points or 2.68 per cent to close at 24,055.60. Both indices hit record lows on closing levels on Monday.
Additionally, the Nifty Bank drowned by 1,258.05 points or 2.45 percent, tumbling to 50,092.10.
Major Gainers and Losers
Gainers: On the BSE tranche, at the time of writing, major gainers were far and few. With Hindustan Unilever and Nestle India gaining under 1 per cent.
Losers: Amongst the losers, Tata Motors lost over 7 per cent. Adani Ports followed it with a loss of over 5 per cent. Another Tata entity, Tata Steel also slumped by over 5 per cent.
Rupee: The Indian Rupee stood at 83.83 against the US dollar.
This intraday downfall is being seen as a part of the larger 'Global Sell Off,' that has affected the American markets, despite the stagnant interest rates.
Asian Markets
It was a bloodbath on the Asian markets, as the indices closed in red as well. Japan's Nikkei lost a massive 12.40 per cent or 4,451.28 points, closing at 31,458.42.
Another Tokoy-based index, TOPIX, closed at 2,227.15, dropping by 12.23 per cent or 310.45 points. Hang Seng also closed with a decline, closing with a loss of 1.46 per cent or 247.15 points, at 16,698.36.
Shanghai-based SSE Composite lost 1.54 per cent or 44.64 points of its value and closed at 2,860.70. South Korea's KOSPI closed in red with losses of 8.77 per cent or 234.64 points, slipping to 2,441.55.