Beyond Box-Checking: US Consulate Funds Diversity Programme For MSMEs

Beyond Box-Checking: US Consulate Funds Diversity Programme For MSMEs

Mike Hankey, Consul General at the US Consulate General Mumbai, discussed promoting shared values between the US and India, fostering meaningful change through such programmes.

Anahita AhluwaliaUpdated: Friday, May 24, 2024, 03:07 PM IST

Mumbai: True diversity is viewed in a group, not an individual. It delves into the layered landscape of lived experiences, seeking representation across a spectrum of elements. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the focus on DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility), prompting organisations to prioritise it.

Launched in April with a cohort of 75 micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), the DEIA Catalyst Program is an initiative fully funded by a grant from the US Consulate General, Mumbai.

Convening for their first Bootcamp at Royal Bombay Yacht Club on Wednesday — a month after kick-off — Protima Sharma, Program Design Lead, led a panel discussion of various founders from the programme who discussed the way DEIA has transformed their businesses.

They highlighted how diverse experiences inform how individuals see the world, adapt and learn, solve problems and interact with others. By valuing these diverse perspectives, we unlock a wealth of understanding and creative potential that can help tap into a broader range of solutions. Mike Hankey, Consul General at the U.S. Consulate General Mumbai, discussed promoting shared values between the U.S. and India, fostering meaningful change through such programmes.

He addressed the symbiotic relationship between the two countries — empowered minorities in India empower minorities in the U.S. and vice versa. From the micro-enterprise level to big companies, we’re witnessing enhanced innovation, engagement and decision-making through the integration of DEAI into fundamental values.

Eric Garcetti, Ambassador of the US to India, discussed how India and America share a “breathtaking diversity” as two democracies that embrace their diversity. He emphasized the importance of learning lessons from each other and struggling forward together to make the world more equitable.

He drew from his own experiences as Mayor of Los Angeles, California to share how inclusive practices don’t just benefit those cast aside, but boost the performance of the entire organisation. The DEIA Catalyst Programme is reminder that true DEIA initiatives tap into the collective power of different experiences and viewpoints, creating a thriving environment in today’s dynamic business landscape


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