The Delhi High Court sent a notice in response to a contempt petition brought by ANI Media Private Limited. The petition claimed that Wikipedia had failed to comply with a court order requesting information about the individuals who had edited the ANI Wikipedia page.
Wikipedia's attorney claimed that because the organisation was not based in India, it took longer for them to appear in court. However, the Delhi High Court strongly objected to this argument.
'We can't stand it any longer.' The court made an oral comment during its notice hearing regarding ANI's contempt plea: "If you don't like India, don't work here."
ANI then alleged Wikipedia of being in contempt for not adhering to the relevant order.
Justice Chawla stated in the application that the government should block Wikipedia in this country and that Wikipedia should stop doing business in India.
On the following hearing date, the court asked Wikipedia's authorised representative to continue appearing in person.
ANI's response
ANI had attempted to stop Wikipedia from posting content on the news agency's page on the platform that was allegedly defamatory. It has also asked for the content to be taken down. ANI has also demanded damages from Wikipedia to the tune of Rs. 2 crores.
According to its Wikipedia entry, ANI 'has been criticized for misreporting events and serving as a propaganda tool for the incumbent central government by distributing materials from a vast network of fake news websites.'