Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): A government employee was booked for securing a job on the basis of a fake marksheet in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur. The accused, identified as Anisa Begum, submitted a fake marksheet to secure a job of peon in 1995 at a government school and managed to keep her dirty secret for 29 years.
A complaint exposing her alleged fraud was filed a few days ago and police have registered a case on Wednesday.
However, she has accused her seniors of conspiring against her after she caught them accepting bribe.
According to information, Anisa Begum was initially hired as a peon in 1995 at the Government Higher Secondary Hathkuri School in Katni. She worked there for approximately 15 years before being transferred to Jabalpur in 2008. Since then, she has been employed at the Joint Director of Public Instruction office in Jabalpur.
According to police officials, the Commissioner of Public Instruction received an anonymous complaint about Anisa's fraudulent documents. The Commissioner ordered an investigation by the District Education Officer of Katni, which confirmed the allegations. Consequently, a complaint was filed against Anisa under Section 420 for fraud.
Alleges complaints against her are retaliatory
According to sources, Anisa had previously caught an official and two others accepting a bribe of 21,000 rupees, making the situation more complicated. Anisa alleges that the actions against her are retaliatory, prompted by her earlier complaint to the Lokayukta.