Umaria (Madhya Pradesh): 19 swamp deer (Barahsingha) were brought from Kanha National Park and released into the enclosures at Magadhi Zone in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve on Sunday. Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve shared the visuals of the deer being released in the presence of forest minister Kunwar Vijay Shah and running in the Bandhavgarh jungles after almost a century.
The reserve’s field director Sudhir Misha said, “The Centre has permitted us to bring 100 swamp deer, with 50 in the first year. So, today 19 of them have been brought - 11 males and 8 females. We have made an enclosure here that is carnivore-proof. No carnivorous animal can go in. We have elephants too & we have made arrangements to see that the elephants don't damage the enclosure.”
It was perhaps almost a century ago that swamp deer might have taken the leap in the jungles of Bandhavgarh. Owing to unknown reasons they disappeared all of a sudden, without leaving any trace.