Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): For Rs 40,000, a 12-year-old girl was sold for marriage to a 27-year-old man under Gunga police station limit on Tuesday. Vigilant women and child welfare department officials stopped the child marriage, which was to take place on Badli Navami, which fell on Tuesday.
Police station incharge Ramesh Rai said women and child welfare department officer Pankaj Lohati filed the complaint to police on Monday. The complaint stated that a 12-year-old girl was getting married to 27-year-old man. The officer got the information from anganwari worker about the marriage, as pre-nuptial ritual started from Monday morning.
Marriage was fixed for Rs 40,000...
The police approached the family and detained the minor girl and arrested six including two from the bridegroom’s family - son and his father - and three from bride’s family - her father, mother and maternal grandmother besides middlewoman.
The police came to know that marriage was fixed for Rs 40,000. A sum of Rs 20,000 was given in advance while the remaining amount was to be given after marriage on Tuesday. Before marriage, police arrested and sent them to jail.