Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Wednesday termed the partition of India as one of the most tragic incidents of the 20th century and said a country needs to learn from history in order to grow and move ahead. Addressing a function to mark the Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in Bhopal, he also said the people of Israel had to fight for 2,000 years to regain their homeland.
"The partition of India was one of the most tragic incidents of the previous century, which cannot even be described in words. People don't want to talk about the pain of the partition, but if a country has to grow and move ahead, it has to learn lessons from the bounds of history," he said.
"People of Israel lost their land and nation and it took 2,000 years for them to regain it. But they showed patriotism. People (of Israel) scattered across the globe used to gather at a place once a year and take oath that they would meet in their own country next year. But unfortunately, it took 2,000 years to see that happen," Yadav said.
Several generations were lost in the process as Israel got independence along with India, he said. "I gave this example so that you understand the seriousness of independence," he said.
Yadav said that Indians easily assimilate with everyone, but shrewd people trap them with their cunningness. Twelfth century ruler Prithviraj Chauhan granted pardon to the invaders 17 times, but the latter got only one chance and they didn't miss it, he said.
"Britishers came to India for business, but set up their army and started taking over different states. What we know as collectors today were the ones who would collect revenue for the Britishers," he said. After 1857, the Britishers began indulging in divide and rule policy and started creating a rift between Hindus and Muslims. However, their strategy failed till 1906. When Muslim League contested the elections, patriotic Muslims did not let this conspiracy by Britishers succeed, he said. The Indian National Congress changed its politics, leading to the victory of the divisive politics of Muslim League and partition of the country.