Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh saw a dense fog on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, four vehicles collided one after the other in dense fog on National Highway-44 in Sagar due to opaque fog, killing two people on the spot in Shivpuri.
On Saturday night, the coldest place was Gwalior. Here, the temperature dipped to 7.5 degrees Celsius. It was 8.6°C at Pachmarhi. The Western Disturbance activity in North India and the shift in wind direction have caused a 2 to 8 degree increase in daytime and nighttime temperatures. But the blustery winds tamp down the sun's warmth.
Meteorologists predicts similar weather for next two months
The weather is expected to stay this way for the next two days, according to meteorologists. The effects of the cold will reappear starting on December 26. Madhya Pradesh is experiencing the effects of Western Disturbance, however the clouds are high in the sky. There is therefore no possibility of rain. According to senior meteorologist Dr. Vedprakash Singh, the state won't see any rain for a few days.