Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): In a tragic incident near Jaderua Bandh Road in the Murar police station area, a speeding tractor collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the death of a rider, Udayveer Jatav, and causing serious injuries to two others. Udayveer Jatav, after attending his niece's wedding was returning back to his home, where he lost his life in the accident. The enraged relatives set the tractor on fire in response to the incident.
According to the information, on Monday afternoon around 12:30 PM, a high-speed tractor carrying stones collided with the bike on Jaderua Bandh Road. Uday Jatav lost his life on the spot, and two others sustained severe injuries. The injured were promptly taken to the hospital for treatment. During this time, bystanders gathered, creating a traffic jam and setting the tractor ablaze.
The fire brigade was called to extinguish the flames. Locals demanded better regulation of such incidents, expressing frustration over the lack of control by the police on these vehicles. Authorities assured immediate financial assistance of ₹30,000 to the deceased's family and pledged to address other demands, including providing government employment opportunities. Police and administrative officials present at the scene promised to escalate the remaining demands to senior authorities.