Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Minister for sports Yashodhara Raje Scindia on Thursday announced that she will not contest assembly elections. She was addressing a public rally after unveiling a statue of her mother and BJP senior leader late Vijaya Raje Scindia in Shivpuri. The BJP leader said that she continued to follow the footsteps of her mother for the last 25 years and now it is goodbye to assembly elections.
It is noteworthy that talking to a newspaper recently, Yashodhara had said that she has met the central and state leadership and expressed her desire that she does not want to contest the next assembly elections. The minister further said that she has already talked to her supporters.
According to the reports, Scindia had added that she has no problem in winning but, due to poor health, she is not in a position to tour continuously. Explaining the reason, she further said that she has been affected by Covid four times and is not in a position to do much physical exertion.