Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A shocking incident has been reported from Sagar, where an upper caste Sarpanch, along with his men, allegedly thrashed a Dalit youth to death. They assaulted his mother, ripped off her clothes and demolished parts of their house. The disturbing videos have surface on social media.
The video shows the broken walls and roof of the house, with all their belongings scattered on ground. Locals can be heard talking in the video, "Upar ki chhat todh di" (They have broken the roof)!
The other clip shows victim lying dead on a stretcher, with multiple injuries on body parts.
According to information, the victim's sister had lodged a molestation case against the attackers in 2019. Since long, the accused had been forcing the Dalit family to withdraw the police case. When the family refused, they thrashed the youth to death and assaulted his mother.
The police have registered an FIR against nine accused under section 302 (murder) and other relevant sections.