Bagli (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, the principal and lab assistant have been accused of sexually exploiting a minor girl at CM Rise School at Bagli, in Dewas district. Bagli police registered a case under sections 354, 354-A, 506, and 34 of the IPC, as well as sections 7/8, 9 (F/10) of the POCSO Act and sections 3(1)(W), 3(1), 3(2) of the SST Act. Bagli SDOP Srishti Bhargava revealed that the victim, a minor girl studying in the school, filed a complaint, alleging prolonged sexual exploitation by both principal Ayub Khan and lab assistant Jaiprakash Verma.
Another girl from the same school had approached SDOP, but her complaint has not been officially registered yet. The SDOP emphasised that if more girls come forward, their cases will also be registered. Disturbingly, efforts to suppress the matter were underway for a week, with influential figures attempting to compromise and cover up the allegations. It is reported that substantial sums of money were exchanged in an attempt to close the case, but attempts failed.
According to sources, not only girl students but also a teacher had been harassed by the accused. However, due to societal pressure, no complaint was filed by the teacher. The accused principal has been arrested and the lab assistant is also implicated in the case. In response to the incident, both were suspended by concerned officials.