Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): In an ironic incident, Chambal DIG’s wife was cheated by a fake housemaid services company on Tuesday. The officer’s wife hired a housekeeper via an online maid services company. The maid, on the first day, took Rs 37k as four months' advance salary and company commission, only to never return to work.
The police have registered a case in the matter and started searching for the fraudsters.
Hired maid through online company
According to information, Megha Sinha, wife of Kumar Saurabh, is a resident of the Kampu police station area. Megha's husband, Kumar Saurabh, is an IPS officer, and currently he is posted as DIG Chambal. Megha was in need of a housemaid, for which she came across the website on the internet. Through the website, she had a conversation with a person named Arun. Describing himself as the owner of Radha Placement Service, Arun said that his company provides domestic help. Megha told the police that Arun made her talk to a maid named Gudiya on the phone.
Later, Arun told Megha that his friend Virendra Kumar would come to her house with the maid.
The maid went missing after payment.
On December 31, Virendra reached the officer’s house and introduced Megha Sinha to Gudiya. It was discussed that Gudiya will work on a monthly salary of Rs 8,000. Virendra told Megha that four months’ salary will have to be deposited in advance and the agency commission of Rs 9,000 will have to be paid in cash. After some discussion, Megha paid Rs 37,000 to Virendra, after which he left the maid there.
However, when the DIG's wife reached the room the next morning to call the maid, she was missing. When she contacted the agency owner, his mobile was switched off. When the owner could not be contacted, Megha realized the fraud and lodged a complaint at the police station.
Based on her complaint, the police registered a case of fraud against the three and have started searching for the accused.