Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Taking swift action, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, on Wednesday, removed Shajapur Collector Kishore Kanyal after a viral video showed him misbehaving with the protesting truck drivers.
Raising strong objections over the language used by Kanyal, the CM said that his government belongs to the poor and deprived sections of Madhya Pradesh. The work and sentiments of everyone will be respected. Under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi, the government is working for the welfare of poor people.
"We are regularly serving the poor."As a human being, such a kind of language is not tolerable. I myself come from a labor family. Using such language is not appropriate. Officers shall take care of language and behavior,” he said.
Shajapur Collector Kishore Kanyal met the protesting transporters on Tuesday. As the truck drivers constantly raised their demands to withdraw new provisions under hit-and-run law, Knayal lost his temper and asked, "Tumhar aukat kya hai."
To this, one of the members of the truckers' union replied, "Aukat nahi hai, iss baat ki hi toh ladai hai" (we have nothing; that is why we are fighting).
Congress' Rajya Sabha member Vivek Tankha also posted the video on X, tagging CM Mohan Yadav in the post.