Damoh (Madhya Pradesh): In a horrific incident of explosion at an illegal firecracker factory, three people died with one of the victim's body splitting in two parts, while over 15 others got injured in Damoh on Tuesday. According to the information, the explosion occurred while making firecrackers. Police and district administration reached the spot soon after receiving information and admitted the injured to the district hospital.
The illegal firecracker factory was operating in the middle of a colony.
One of the deceased has been identified as Abhay Gupta, a firecracker trader. It is said that the businessman was stocking firecrackers for Diwali. During the rescue operations at the site, his body was recovered in two pieces.
A large number of administrative force, police and relief rescue officers including Collector and SP also reached the spot.
More than 15 people who got severely injured were immediately admitted to the district hospital.
Blast in Gwalior
A similar incident was reported from a house in Gwalior where fireworks kept in a house exploded on Tuesday morning. The incident was reported from Gol Pahadiya area of Shankarnagar. The explosion was so powerful that the roof of the house was blown away. About half a dozen people have been injured in the incident. The injured have been admitted to the hospital for treatment.