Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Gautam Nagar police of the city on Thursday claimed to have arrested a man, who had mounted the Palestine national flag outside his house in the area on a day when the 78th Independence Day was being celebrated nationwide.
According to Gautam Nagar police, a political party leader named Devendra Bhargava, who is a corporator in the area, approached the police on Thursday, reporting the incident to them.
The police rushed to the house where the flag had been mounted, and took the owner of the house, identified as Mohammad Hanif (35) into custody.
His house was located near the PGBT college of the city. The police, after arresting him, have begun interrogating him, they said.
17 Inmates Released from Ujjain Central Jail on 78th Independence Day
17 Inmates Released from Ujjain Central Jail on 78th Independence Day |
Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): As part of the "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" celebrations, 17 inmates, including 15 male and 2 female convicts, were released from the Ujjain Central Jail in Bhairavgarh on the occasion of 78th Independence Day.
The step was taken following the directives of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The released inmates were provided with certificates, bank passbooks, Aadhaar cards, and food packets. This information was shared by the Superintendent of Ujjain Central Jail, Bhairavgarh.