Ashoknagar (Madhya Pradesh): Keeping in mind the ongoing cases, Ashoknagar Deputy Collector G S Dhurve has implemented Section 144 from Monday, prohibiting public gatherings and demonstrations until further notice.
In order to organize public processions, rallies, protests, or public meetings, prior permission must be obtained from the local Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM).
Furthermore, explicit written consent from the SDM is also required for the use of sound amplifiers, drums, and firecrackers during public events.
The display of weapons and firearms has been prohibited to ensure the safety of the public.
A ban has been imposed on sending objectionable messages through social media platforms. Additionally, any discussions related to religious, social, caste, or related sensitive issues have also been restricted.
In a late evening announcement, Dhurve released an official statement emphasizing the importance of adhering to these guidelines for the well-being and security of the district.