Morena (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, six cops allegedly tried to suppress a victim's complaint under CM Helpline 181 in Morena. The police personnels barged into his house, thrashed him brutally and threatened him to take the complaint back.
The video went viral on social media on Monday, following which Additional Superintendent of Police Raisingh has ordered probe into the matter.
As per the reports, the incident unfolded in Matapura village, situated within the jurisdiction of Sihonian police station. The complainant Dharmendra Tomar had sought help under CM Helpline. However, instead of taking action, six police personnel allegedly tried to suppress it.
The viral video shows they barged into his house, grabbed his hand, coercing him to accompany them to the police station amid protests by locals. Dharmendra alleged that he was subjected to merciless beatings during his detention.
There are severe injury marks on Dharmendra Tomar's body. Concerned, family members shifted him to Morena hospital for medical treatment, where they also submitted a memorandum to Superintendent of Police Shailendra Singh, demanding swift action against the responsible cops.
Dharmendra maintained that he neither has any criminal record nor was engaged in any altercation prior to the incident. He claims that the police arrived at his home, apprehended him, and beat him brutally. Moreover, the officers reportedly threatened him that if doesn't take the complaint back, he would be implicated in a false case.
Responding to the incident, Additional Superintendent of Police Raisingh Narwaria assured that appropriate action would be taken against anyone found guilty of misconduct.
The incident has raised concerns about the conduct of the police force and their handling of complaints lodged through the CM Helpline 181 scheme. As the investigation progresses, citizens await justice and the implementation of measures to prevent such incidents in the future.