Narmadapuram (Madhya Pradesh): Collector Sonia Meena has directed the officials to solve the cases related to PM Kisan e-KYC, ownership scheme and to boost the recovery of revenue. Meena issued the directive at a video conferencing with the officials of the revenue department at the collectorate on Saturday.
All sub-divisional magistrates, Tehsildars and Nayab Tehsilders were present at the conference. Besides the revenue officials, additional collector Devendra Kumar Singh, deputy collector Neeta Kori and other officers were present there. The collector reviewed the long-pending revenue cases and directed the officials to solve the complaints soon.
She told the officials to pay more attention to those cases whose scheduled dates for solution were over long time ago and solve them without any delay. Meena advised the officials to go to the field and see whether the complaints were solved within time limit. The officials were also told to dispose of the cases that could not be worked out.
All the data connected to Rajaswa Maha Abhiyan should be uploaded on RCMS portal and ensure that there is no error, she said. About the collection of taxes, Meena directed the officials that taxes should be recovered according to the target fixed by the government. She further said the designs rejected under the land ownership scheme should be improved and sent back for approval.
All the SDMs, Tehsildars and Nayab Tehsildars were directed to coordinate with the technical team to deal with the problems related to such designs for which the online system was not functioning.