Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav has announced special holidays for bank employees across the state on August 19th and August 26th.
These holidays, granted under the "Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881," are intended to allow bank officials and staff to celebrate the important festivals of Raksha Bandhan and Krishna Janmashtami with their families.
The decision comes after bank employee organizations approached the Chief Minister with a request to provide them with the same holiday benefits as other state employees, ensuring they too can partake in the festive celebrations.
Recognizing the significance of these occasions, especially in fostering family bonds and cultural traditions, Yadav approved the holidays for both dates.
An official order formalizing these holidays is expected to be issued soon, bringing relief and joy to the banking community, who will now be able to enjoy these cherished festivals without the stress of work commitments.