Sagar (Madhya Pradesh): The municipal corporation is holding several events to celebrate the consecration of Ram Lalla’s idol in Ayodhya on Monday. The events are being organised after instructions issued by commissioner of Nagar Nigam Chandrashekhar Shukla. The colonies and temples are being cleaned up with the help of residents and people’s representatives. The garbage collection vehicles are parked in several places so that they may take the rubbish to the dumping ground out of the city.
Apart from that, all the temples and water bodies in Sagar will be lit on Monday, sources in Nagar Nigam said, adding that special cleanliness drives and lighting arrangements have been made for the occasion. The purpose is to celebrate the Ram idol consecration ceremony and to tell people about the importance of cleanliness. The National Livelihood Mission and the self-help groups will go to each house in different wards and tell residents to light lamps to celebrate the occasion. Shukla directed the officials to tell the local artists and other institutions to paint the pictures of Ram and display tableaux at various inter-sections in the city.
Apart from that, the officials have been told to organise singing of Bjahans and dance dramas on the life of Ram. The institutions providing higher education have been directed to hold discussions on the Ramayana and stage plays.
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MP: Special Cleanliness Drive Launched
Ganj Basoda (Madhya Pardesh): The Nagar Palika Parishad has directed the officials to clean up the temples in the city on occasion of consecration of Ram Lalla’s idol in Ayodhya. The cleanliness fortnight will continue from Monday. The students of Ratan Bhai Jain Higher Secondary School made a human chain and wrote the name of Ram. As part of cleanliness fortnight, a temple in Gandhi Chowk, Mirzapur temple, Sheetla Mata temple, a temple near block office and other places were cleaned. The officials of Nagar Palika, including chief municipal officer Pawan Kumar Sharma, health officer Javed Khan and others took part in the cleanliness drive.