Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh High Court Chief Justice Ravi Malimath said that the judiciary places its trust in the intelligence of judges (judicial officers) rather than Artificial Intelligence (AI). He stated that AI does not influence judicial decisions. Artificial Intelligence and other technologies help in speeding up work, but judicial officers are expected to write judgments with their knowledge and intelligence, said Justice Malimath while speaking on the concluding day of the 10th Biennial Madhya Pradesh State Judicial Officers Conference at Ravindra Bhavan on Sunday." “AI cut down manual work.
Calculation of court fee is now fixed due to AI. There is no need for separate calculations and no one can interfere, said the CJ. Justice Malimath mentioned that he monitors the Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs) of judicial officers. He shared an incident where he observed a decline in the performance of a judicial officer.
Consequently, he instructed the High Court registrar to contact the judicial officer and ascertain the reasons. Initially hesitant, the registrar general eventually complied after the Chief Justice insisted. It came to fore that the judicial officer's performance was affected by family issues. “The Judicial officer assured us that within four to five months his problems will be sorted out. And later witnessing his performance improving, I upgraded him from grade C to A in ACR, ” said the CJ.
AI tools are to reduce manual work
If AI is not properly used, punishment in theft cases be it a theft of Samosa or theft of crores of rupees, will be the same. All technologies and other tools are to reduce manual work of the judiciary and they should be properly used in the interest of the system.”
Judicial officer Jyant Sharma