Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha’s idols were adorned with jewels worth crores of rupees in the historic Gopal Temple of Gwalior district on the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami on Thursday. These ornaments were brought from the district treasury to the temple premises in Phoolbagh area amidst tight security. Lord Kanha was adorned with precious ornaments in the presence of police administration and municipal officials.
After this, the doors of the temple were thrown open to the devotees. During the whole process, the entire temple complex was under tight security and dozens of CCTV cameras have also been installed nearby.
102 year old temple
This year too, Janmashtami festival is being celebrated with great joy in the Gopal temple located in Phoolbagh, Gwalior and Lord Shri Krishna and Radhaji present in the Gopal temple were adorned with antique jewelery worth more than Rs 125 crore. The jewelery is studded with diamonds, rubies and emeralds.
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The jewelery was brought to the temple under tight security in the locker of the Central Bank of India and after adornment, the doors of the temple were opened for the devotees to have darshan.
It is noteworthy that every year on the festival of Janmashtami, at the more than 100 years old Gopal temple of the Scindia princely state of Gwalior, the idols of Radha Rani and Lord Krishna are decorated with precious jewelery worth more than Rs 125 crores.
The security arrangements in the temple were tightened a day before and the decoration work of the temple was started. While the entire temple has been taken under the surveillance of CCTV cameras, the security arrangements of the temple were tightened only after late night and more than 250 police personnel were deployed.
Gopal Temple was established by Scindia family
The Gopal Temple was established by the Scindia family about 102 years ago. This precious gem studded jewelery is also the gift of the Scindia family.
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Gopal Mandir was established in 1921 by Madhavrao Scindia I, the then ruler of the princely state of Gwalior. He had made silver utensils for worshiping God and gold jewelery studded with gems to wear. These include a seven-strand necklace of Radha-Krishna studded with 55 emeralds, a gold flute studded with diamonds and beads, a gold nose ring, chains and silver puja utensils. Every year on Janmashtami, Radha-Krishna are adorned with these jewellery. Devotees wait for a whole year to see the Lord in this form.
Diamond and emerald studded crown
Among the jewels of God in the Gopal temple, the gold and silver jewellery includes the seven-strand necklace of Goddess Radha which is studded with emeralds, diamonds and rubies. Along with diamonds, Padma and Emerald are studded in the crown of Radha-Krishna. Krishna's flute is made of gold and has diamonds on it too. Radha-Krishna's necklace has precious sapphire, topaz, emerald and ruby. The entire jewelery is made of gold and studded with diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and topaz.